Entity Selection Menu

Select the entity that you want to be associated with.

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Your account can currently create accounts for the entities listed below. To change which entity you want to make reports for, simply click the "Set as my Entity" button. You should see the that the Entity should change in the top right corner of the navigation bar. If you need access to additional entities, please request transparency access in the state reporting system. This update will take one day to process. If you need access sooner, you can contact Alexander Nielson alexnielson@utah.gov to create the credentials necessary to access another entity.

Entity Government PY Reports RV/EX Reports Fiscal Years Last Updated AA Table?

Request Access

To request access to an entity not listed aobve, click the button to get access to it. If you do not see an entity from that list please contact alexnielson@utah.gov to have the entity added.
Request Access to Another Entity